My LG Inform
How do I change the dials on the home page?
You can change the dials and the authority they are comparing through the ‘My LG Inform, Edit dashboard’ or through the link below the dials on the home page. In the ‘Edit dashboard’ page you can also reset them back to the LGA standard ones at any time.
Please note there are some instances where data is not available for a particular authority, in these circumstances an empty place holder will be displayed on your dashboard.
How do I change my default area?
This can be set on the ‘My LG Inform, Preferences’ page under the header ‘My area’.
By changing your default area, you will change the area shown in the dials on the home page but you will also change the area given as a default when you build a report. If you change your default area old reports will not be updated, you need to do this manually.
How do I change my comparison group?
This can be set on the ‘My LG Inform, Preferences’ page under the header ‘Manage Comparison and Display Groups’. You can create numerous comparison groups to be used in different reports. If you delete a comparison group that you have used in a previous report, the next time you open the report this comparison group will still be shown, however you will not be able to use it for any new reports.
Can you make me a new comparison group?
Unfortunately we cannot do this for you as any groups we make will be shown for everyone, however, if there is a specific group which you think many users will benefit from please email with your request.
You can create your own custom groups through the ‘My LG inform', Preferences page. You can share this group with colleagues by creating a group, then using it in a report that you share with colleagues. This group will not appear in the users list of groups but will just be available in that report.
I am interested in particular services can I make the searches just display areas I am interested in?
Yes, you now have the functionality to just have particular service areas appearing in your search results and notifications. These can be set on the ‘My LG Inform page’ under the header ‘My areas of interest’.
When you tick a selection of areas this will narrow down the results you see in the search boxes and metric lists throughout LG Inform. You can temporarily clear this selection at any time. Within search select 'clear filters' and within report builder tick the 'clear filters' option. This function gives users the ability to personalise the site and make the search results more relevant.
Please note that changes to areas of interest will only take affect the next time you log into the system.
How do I upload a logo so that I can use it in a report?
If you go into the page – My LG Inform, Preferences, Save logo – you can load up to twenty logos which will then be available to you in the report builder.
The logos that you upload can be a gif, .jpg or .png and should be no more than 500kb in file size. You can set them to appear on the left or right of your report to fit with your authority guidelines.