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Contacting us

Access and login

To login please use your esd-toolkit username and password. If you have not registered with esd-toolkit or LG Inform before, then use the 'Register' link in the top of the page.

Your username should, where possible, be your email address. If you do not have a address, please declare your organisation in the relevant part of the registration form. Currently only users with e-mail addresses will be allowed access.

For any login queries, contact  

User support

For operational or data-related queries, please contact the support team Monday to Friday, 9.00am to 5.30pm (excluding public holidays):

Your email will be logged and acknowledged within the hour.

Contact us FAQs

Who can I contact if I have a question about a metric or want a new one included?

If you have a question about a metric or data you can either ask it on this group or you can send an e-mail to the LG Inform team at

You can also suggest metrics or service areas where you would like to see more data, again this can be done through this group or by e-mailing the team. We cannot, and do not plan to enter all data requested in to LG Inform, as it would become unwieldy. We will consider all requests and see which would be the most beneficial to users.

What is the e-mail address I should use if I have a question?

You can either use the feedback form, LG Inform Knowledge hub group so that all users can learn from the answers or you can send them directly to

Do you have any collateral I can send to people to let them know about LG Inform?

In LG Inform on the help pages we have links to the pdfs which go through some of the key functionality in LG Inform. Another useful source of information is the LG Inform Knowledge Hub Group. On this site you can find further questions and answers about the site, forums and blogs about LG Inform. We also share on this site questions that users have asked about the LG Inform so we other users can see the responses.

Will you attend a meeting to give a demonstration of the new system?

Users can e-mail the LGInform team ( ) if there is a particular meeting that they would like us to attend and demonstrate LG Inform. However, we only have a small team (and budget) so it would be preferable if we could attend regional events and see as many people as possible. We can also conduct demonstrations of LG Inform at our offices, which might be useful to some users; again it would be more time effective to organise these meetings with a group of people.

About LG Inform –contacts, FAQ, feedback and help.